Ar Hyd y Nos
from the traditional
English lyrics and music: Myra Hope
Vocals: Caera, Myra Hope
Harp: Myra Hope
When Caera introduced herself to me at a music retreat in 1999, I had just finished massacreing an original tune in front of
150 of my peers. Caera was complimentary, friendly, and unfazed by my performance. For that kindness, and for her
lovely soprano voice, I asked Caera to sing with me on this song, which I'd just written: a re-working of the Welsh
classic All Through the Night. -MHB
Holl amrantau'r sêr ddywedant Ar hyd y nos
Dyma'r ffordd i fro gogoniant; Ar hyd y nos
Golau arall yw tywyllwch,
I arddangos gwir brydferthwch,
Teulu'r nefoedd mewn tawelwch, Ar hyd y nos
Love and light alike are sleeping, all through the night
Starlight glory's road is keeping, all through the night
Sleep and dream as moonbeams guard thee
Kinfolk 'round thy watchfires ward thee
Like the night I'll stand and guard thee, all through the night

Indigo Night
Lyrics and music by Myra Hope
Vocals: Myra Hope, Caera
Harp: Myra Hope
For Brigid the Weaver. - MHB
Indigo night shining
Soft and low harp singing
Under the leaves and the moonlight
Strong and wide branches
Reaching high, reaching in
Weaving the wind and the starlight
Clear and bright, shining
Through the night harp singing
Braided light finding the sun

In Fading Light
Lyrics by Caera; music by Myra Hope
Vocals: Caera
Harp: Myra Hope
I knew this was a song as I was writing the poem, but the music for it wasn't coming to me. So shortly after I
met Myra Hope, I gave her the poem and she got the music. I consider this a lesson in sharing. - CA
I love to watch the world in fading light
In peace that comes at closing of the day
And moves on to the coming of the night
Brown hair turns red and gold in slanted light
The breeze draws scents of earth and leaves astray
I love to watch the world in fading light
Small, grey wings dance in ambivalent flight
And owls and crickets now have much to say
They sing to bring the coming of the night
The sound of running water brings delight
The earth draws scents of earth and leaves astray
I love to watch the world in fading light
Leaves rustle somewhere nearby out of sight
Could be birds or squirrels or maybe fey
They sing to bring the coming of the night
A beech supports my back and all is right
We softly hold the dark and cold at bay
I love to watch the world in fading light
From here, before the coming of the night

Buain a Rainich
Lyrics traditional
Arranged: Caera, Myra Hope, Jenn Shubelka
Vocals: Caera, Myra Hope
Tha mi sgith ' s mi leam fhin buain a rainich, buain a rainich?
Tha mi sgith ' s mi leam fhin buain a rainich daonnan?
Cul an tomain braigh an tomain
Cul an tomain bhoidhich,
Cul an tomain braigh an tomain
Huile latha m' onar.
'S tric a bha mi fhin 's mo leannan
Anns a' ghleannan cheothar
'G eisdeachd coisir bhinn an doire
Seinn 'sa' choille dhomhail;
Tha mi sgith ' s mi leam fhin buain a rainich, buain a rainich?
Tha mi sgith ' s mi leam fhin buain a rainich daonnan?
Why should I sit and sigh, broo-in bracken, broo-in bracken?
Why should I sit and sigh all alone and weary?
When I see the plover rising
Or the curlew wheeling,
It's then I'll court my mortal lover
Back to me is stealing.
When the moon begins her waning
I sit by the water
Where the one born of the sunlight
Loved a fairy's daughter
Why should I sit and sigh, broo-in bracken, broo-in bracken?
Why should I sit and sigh all alone and weary?
Tha mi sgith ' s mi leam fhin buain a rainich, buain a rainich?
Tha mi sgith ' s mi leam fhin buain a rainich daonnan?
O na 'm faicinn thu a' tighinn,
Ruithin 'dhol 'nad chodhail,
Ach mur tig thu 'n so g' am shireadh,
Ciamar thilleas dochas?
Anns an t-sithean O gur gsith me;
'S tric mo chridh' 'ga leanoadh
Nuair bhios cach a' seinn nan luinneag,
Cha dean is' ach cronan
Tha mi sgith ' s mi leam fhin buain a rainich, buain a rainich?
Tha mi sgith ' s mi leam fhin buain a rainich daonnan?
Why should I sit and sigh, broo-in bracken, broo-in bracken?
Why should I sit and sigh all alone and weary?
Ah! But there is something wanting.
Oh! But I am weary.
Coming blithe now, bonny treads she,
O'er the knolls to cheer me.
Who is this I see before me
Through the willows peering
A smile as sweet as hawthorn blooming
My love has come to cheer me!
Why should I sit and sigh, broo-in bracken, broo-in bracken?
Why should I sit and sigh all alone and weary?
Tha mi sgith ' s mi leam fhin buain a rainich, buain a rainich?
Tha mi sgith ' s mi leam fhin buain a rainich daonnan?
'S bochd nach robh mi leat a rithist
Sinn a bhitheadh ceolmhor,
Racheainn leat gu cul na cruinne,
Air bharr tuinne seoladh.
Ciod am feum dhomh bhi ri tuireadh,
De ni tuireadh dhomhsa
'S mi cho fada o gach duine
B' urrainn tighinn g' am chomhnadh.
Tha mi sgith ' s mi leam fhin buain a rainich, buain a rainich?
Tha mi sgith ' s mi leam fhin buain a rainich daonnan?

A Promise Unbroken
Lyrics and music by Caera
Vocals: Caera
Harp: Caera
To me at 17... and to anyone else who needs it - CA
When you're far from home
And you're all alone
and too tired to roam
You can still find me
When the wind blows strong
And the hours burn long
you'll still hear my song
You can still find me
I am the strength no one can take
I am the faith nothing can shake
When a grief like lead
Weighs down your head
You feel hope is dead
You can still find me
When your friends have gone
and you cry 'till dawn
You must still push on
You can still find me
I'm wisdom in the trees and the earth
That you have felt calling since birth
I am in you, your dreams, and your soul
I bring you love, I keep you whole
When you need to sleep
But your guard must keep
When you're in too deep
You can still find me
When you fly away
From where the unhealed prey
and have no place to stay
You can still find me
I am the strength no one can take
I am the faith nothing can shak
eI'm your desire to become free
I'll make you all you long to be
When the ones you thought
would have helped a lot
Their own comfort sought
You can still find me
When you've just been hurt
But must stay alert
I am not inert
You can still find me
When the moon shines bright
Where you sleep at night
and your dreams take flight
You can still find me
